Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Microsoft reveal "The New Bing"

Microsoft search engine has followed the example of Yahoo! and redesigned its logo, dropping the famous blue in favour of a golden-yellow hue.

As part of The New Bing, improved functionality, design and compatibility complete a revamp of the popular search engine. 

In a thinly-veiled dig a Marissa Mayer's Yahoo! design, Microsoft said: "A new visual identity doesn’t just happen overnight. 
"We spent months looking at ways to update the look of Bing to represent what the product offers today, while achieving visual parity with Microsoft's over-arching new look for the company. We worked with product, graphic and user experience designers to create a look that matches and grows with the product. 
"We built out mock ads, localized product examples for China and fictitious billboards to see what was working. From simple evolutions to ridiculous explorations, we learned something in each one.With principles and frameworks in hand, we looked at the art. We revisited the current logo and diagnosed what wasn't working. We looked at the new Microsoft identity and we did hundreds of studies to look at motion, font, colour, size and form.
"In the end, our new logo was created to be simple, real and direct."

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